
We're a dedicated group of Classic Doom2.exe deathmatchers. We wanted to form a "clan" of people who have similar Doom related aspirations, so we did. We do not actually participate in Doom clan matches (teamplay deathmatch).


The primary purposes are: to promote skillful Doom2 deathmatch, and to enjoy the advantages of being among a group of like-minded friends.

Core Ideology

Doom2.exe permits the highest quality 1 on 1 deathmatch environment available to date. Furthermore, the introduction of high resolution graphics, mouselook, straight-up jumping, and an excessively vertical map layout do not necessarily enhance the deathmatch experience, and in the case of Doom2.exe can degrade it.

We take our doom skill seriously, and strive to achieve and maintain a high level of ability.

We are respectful of players who have similar perspectives about Deathmatch , regardless of the players' current skill level. 

We abhor cheating. Cheating represents a gross malfunction of the purpose of engaging in Doom2 deathmatch, and there is never any valid reason or excuse for it. We have never made a policy of cheating in our games, and try to ensure that our matches are as fair as doom2.exe permits.

We judge doom skill relative to the highest level of skill that has been developed to date. Therefore, we cannot give reverence to players who were active years ago and may have been the "doom-gods" of their time over and above that of the "doom-gods" of today. While we recognize that the players of years ago were high quality players and the pioneers of their time, we do not give anyone special consideration for having great doom skill who cannot or will not demonstrate it in today's Deathmatch environment.

We play our games using all of the Doom2 weapons, and all of the usage techniques available for them.

We have an interest in furthering skillful Doom2 Deathmatch, so we encourage the development of skill whenever possible. This includes distribution of recordings that have an educational value, development of tools, sponsoring competitive events, and maintaining a policy of  openness about strategic information, movement, practice routines, and aim techniques.