This page is for some miscellaneous rules for COMPET-N. The more basic questions (like how you can send your demo, naming conventions etc.) are discussed in the FAQ.

I hope everything is clear and I didn't forget anything.

SECTION ONE: Miscellanous things in various levels (cool name for a section, isn't it?)


  • E1M3, E2M5, E3M6, E4M2 have secret exits. Demos are accepted separately to both exits.
  • E2M8 does not have a SPEED entry, because it doesn't differ from MAX.
  • E1M8, E3M8, E4M8 exit times are determined by Uwe Girlich's LMPC tool. The last player movement is the exit time, so the player MUST move till the endscreen shows up in E1M8 and E3M8. Note: the player has to move in E1M8's last room as well. Please move in one direction (possibly forward or straferun) to make administrating easier.


  • E1M3, E2M5, E3M6, E4M2 have secret exits. Demos are accepted separately to both exits.
  • E1M8, E2M8, E3M8, E4M8 exit times are determined by Uwe Girlich's LMPC tool. The last player movement is the exit time, so the player MUST move till the endscreen shows up in E1M8, E2M8 and E3M8. Note: the player has to move in E1M8's last room as well. Please move in one direction (possibly forward or straferun) to make administrating easier.


  • on U4M3, only 90%, on U4M7, only 50% of the secrets are required.


  • E1M8, E4M8 don't have RESPAWN entries due to adminstrating problems.
  • E2M8, E3M8 don't have RESPAWN entries because they don't differ from MAX.


  • The episode movie times DON'T include the ExM8 time.


  • MAP15 and MAP31 have secret exits. Demos are accepted separately to both exits.
  • MAP07 and MAP30 don't have SPEED entries, because they don't differ from MAX.


  • MAP15 and MAP31 have secret exits. Demos are accepted separately to both exits.


  • on MAP15, only 90%, on MAP27, only 87% of secrets is required.

    SECTION TWO: What is cheating and what is not


    All movement-related questions are decided by Uwe Girlich's LMPC tool. I took his naming convention of the gametics. Rules:

  • The player cannot have GF>50 and GB>50 tic.
  • The player cannot have SL>50 or SR>50 tic.
  • The player cannot have SL>40 or SR>40 tic if turning (TL>0 or TR>0).


    Since it is impossible to 100% detect a slowmotion recorded demo, the detection will go like this:

  • using Steffen "Rini" Udluft's LMPCHECK tool.
  • using Uwe Girlich's LMPC tool, watching one tic UTs and NWx tics.
  • visual detection.
  • discussing by other players.


  • Various DOOM spinning utilities are allowed.
  • Using WAD files which alter the DOOM palette aren't allowed. Since it is impossible to detect if someone used them, I'd ask all players: please don't use them!
  • Using a different EXE other than DOOM.EXE v1.9 (size 715493 bytes) for Ultimate DOOM, DOOM2.EXE v1.9 (size 709905 bytes) for DOOM2 and Final DOOM, DOOM2.EXE v1.9 (size 722629 bytes) for Final DOOM is not allowed. Again, impossible to detect the use of an other exe to connect demos together, I'd ask all players: please don't use them!
  • Using WAD files which change monsters (spectres into demons) aren't allowed. Note: I tested this and found that LMPs created this way go out of sync.
  • Suspicious demos will be discussed among players, and will be disqualified if decided so. This isn't the best method, but I don't know anything better yet.


  • DOOM and DOOM2 SPEED, NMARE, MAX, TYSON, PACIFIST fastest demos are awarded by 1 point.
  • DOOM and DOOM2 FAST and RESPAWN fastest demos are awarded by 0.5 point.
  • DOOM and DOOM2 Episode MOVIE fastest demos are awarded by 5 points.
  • DOOM2 UV RUN fastest demo is awarded by 10 points, second fastest by 5 points.
  • DOOM2 NM RUN fastest demo is awarded by 15 point, second fastest by 10, third by 5 points.
  • No other demos are awarded by points.