This is the DMCon1 Tournament Standings. The person on the bottom gets Green, top player gets Indigo. All lmp's are of winners POV Event Organizers: Sslasher and Banzai Date of Event: September 21st-22nd 1996 Author of TXT and Zip: DevastatioN The starting standings were decided by player skill, each person rated everyone else by what they have seen, and then the averages for each person was taken. The standings went so the higher skilled players played the lowest skilled, 1st plays laster, 2nd plays 2nd last and so on. This was done to try and keep the semi finals and finals an interesting game, instead of having the best game in the 1st Round. :) Special Thanks to Sslasher for his info! Map1 Tournament *Round 1* *Round 2* *Round 3* *Round 4* *WINNER* Sslasher-| |-----*Sslasher| **BYE**--| | (35-18) |-------*Sslasher| Krusty---| | | (35-19) |-----*Krusty--| | Phoenix--| | (35-24) |------*Sslasher-------| Spaminatr| | | (36-12) |-----*Ismail--| | | Ismail---| | | | (34-33) |-------*Ismail--| | Banzai---| | | (31-13) |-----*Ronbob--| | Ronbob---| | (35-20) |---*** SSLASHER *** Yerac----| | |-----*Yerac---| | **BYE**--| | | (35-18) |-------*Yerac---| | Dasa-----| | | | (35-29) |-----*Dasa----| | | Blitz----| | | (35-32) |------*Galiu----------| Galiu----| | (35-13) |-----*Galiu---| | Konax----| | | (36-33) |-------*Galiu---| Alzy-----| | (35-10) |-----*Burnout-| Burnout--| Round 1: Round 2: Round 3: Round 4: R1ronban.lmp R2ismron.lmp R3ismsla.lmp R4galsla.lmp R1ismspa.lmp R2krusla.lmp R3yergal.lmp R1krupho.lmp R2dasyer.lmp R1dasbli.lmp R2galbur R1galmax.lmp R1buralz.lmp Dwango5.wad Map1 Tournament *Round 1* *Round 2* *Round 3* *Round 4* *WINNER* Yerac----| (35-27) |------*Yerac---| Konax----| | (35-30) |------*Burnout-| Banzai---| | | (35-19) |------*Burnout-| | Burnout--| | (35-27) |------*Ismail---------| Alzy-----| | | (35-10) |------*Galiu-- | | | Galiu----| | | | (35-30) |------*Ismail--| | Spaminatr| | | (35-19) |------*Ismail--| | Ismail---| | (???) |---*** RONBOB *** Sslasher-| | |------*Sslasher| | **BYE**--| | | (35-31) |------*Sslasher| | Krusty---| | | | (35-16) |------*Krusty--| | | Blitz----| | | (35-27) |------*Ronbob---------| Ronbob---| | |------*Ronbob- | | **BYE**--| | | |------*Ronbob--| **BYE**--| | |------***BYE***| **BYE**--| Round 1: Round 2: Round 3: Round 4: Dr1yemax.lmp Dr2yebur.lmp Dr3buism.lmp Dr4isron.lmp Dr1buban.lmp Dr2isgal.lmp Dr3slron.lmp Dr1algal.lmp Dr2krsla.lmp Dr1spism.lmp Dr1blkru.lmp