Membership Information

A process for people to join the Doom2 Deathmatch Alliance isn't clearly spelled out on this page anymore. We used to have an exact procedure on how to join, but we abandoned it since it wasn't practical enough to implement well.

We are a group of people who share the same purpose and core ideology regarding Doom2. We were participating in this ideology at some level before we got together, not as a result of having gotten together. People who would be a good match for membership will tend to be doing likewise.

There is a minimal level of movement and aim proficiency that we would expect a potential good member to be maintaining, as a matter of course. Some people have well documented their proficiency over the years, and there would not be a need for a demonstration, while other people might be asked to show how far along they are, using HSV-1 and CMAT . However, high skill, even extremely high skill, does not excuse people who are a bad match with the core ideology (such as people who gloat over wins, hide skill-building information from others, cheat, etc).